Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Qed Tifhem?!

I must admit it. I am worried and slightly afraid of the situation in Malta. I usually used to take Norman Lowell with a pinch of salt and laugh at his rhetoric. However lately it is not just rhetoric. There is something going on. The people that work with or speak favourably of the rights of illegal immigrants are ending up with having their cars or their front doors on fire.

I am sure that this is no coincidence. The Jesuit Refugee Services has been doing this kind of work for a very long time, but only now that the far right, Norman Lowell and the ANR are voicing their ideas that these attacks started on these people. The link is obvious.

What I am truly worried about is that sometimes I believe that history does repeat itself. My fears are that the times have done a complete cycle and the Klu Klux Klan, the Nazi and Hitler are about to return. The same arguments presented by good old Nazi are being re-presented to us. The same misinterpretation of Nietzsche done by Hitler is being re-misinterpreted by Lowell.

Is it really true that history is repeating itself? Shall we go through World War II again in a decade or so? Or is it just a phase that will not escalate further and will soon be remembered as the times when a Neo Nazi used to be on a local station and people laughed at his rhetoric? Who knows? However I must admit it, I am afraid.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Da Vinci Code Manual

Ghandi aptit nikteb ftit la inzertajt qieghed ftit kwiet. Ircevejt email li fih il-manual li harget il-Knisja rigward id-Da Vinci Code. Dan il-manual supost jiprova jispjega ghalfejn dak li hemm fid-Da Vinci Code huwa fittizju.

Biex naghmilha cara mill-bidu, id-Da Vinci Code ma qrajtux, u ghalkemm issa ghandi hajra li naqrah xorta m'inix immut ghalih. Meta tajt daqqa t'ghajn lil manual kien hemm xi affarijiet li laqtuni. Din hija l-idea li dan il-manual jghid li fid-Da Vinci Code hemm affarijiet li mhux veri. Jien ma nafx jekk dawn humiex veri jew le, pero ninnota li l-argumenti tal-Knisja ma jaghmlux sens.

Fil-Bibbja hemm hafna affarijiet li jidhru frott tal-fantasija. Ragel li jissallab u wara tlett ijiem iqum mill-mewt bil-pjagi tas-salib ghadhom jidhru, jien insibha daqxejn zghira far fetched biex titwemmen. Imma dik orrajt. Dan l-episodju huwa fatt. Hadd ma jista jinneggah. Imma li l-persuna storika ta Gesu, ma jistax ikun li izzewweg u kellu t-tfal. Din hija falza. Jien nerga nghid li ma nafx liema hi l-verita proprja, imma meta tkun qed tistqar affarijiet fantastici li huma fatti storici, imbaghad ma tohrog tghid li affarijiet ohra li hemm cans li jkunu storici, tghid li huma foloz.

Jien nistaqsi, kif tista tghid li mhux veru li Gesu izzewweg u kellu t-tfal?

Ha naghlaq hawn ghax ma tantx bqajt kwiet issa.

Ghall-bloggata li jmiss


Wara xi sentejn naqra l-bloggs ta' l-ohrajn hassejt il-bzonn li nibda nibbloggja ftit jien. Ghalissa ha nieqaf hawn. Naf li daqxejn qasira, imma tuni ftit cans la ghadni nibda.