Sunday, March 09, 2008

Daphne Caruana Galizia

Blogger and columnist Daphne Caruana Galizia created a blog for the election campaign. I felt like commenting on one of her posts which was something of the sort:

"Dear Daphne,

The ONLY positive thing about a labour win is to see you eat your heart out seeing Sant as Prime Minister. I’m sorry I have this sentiment, but with all the venom you spit out, I cannot help it. WRT all the rest I think that with MLP in government we’re gonna have a hard time (yes you were right on that one). But at least you provided me with something positive if we actually do have a labour win. Thanks!"

Unfortunately the moderator of Daphne's blog found this comment unfit for publishing. So I sent her another message to which she published with a mod's comment......

"Oh come on publish my comment. Don’t be a chicken run Daphne!

[Moderator - ‘Daphne you’re disgusting, Daphne you’re vomit.’ There - I published it.]"

Further comments will be superfluous.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Video of Saddam being hanged

For the video click here

This link shows the video of the whole hanging process.
Quite disturbing in my opinion. Better not comment as my opinion is quite confused and maybe even contradictory.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Qrid u garr

Uff kif iddejjaqt. Igri jispiccaw dawn l-assignments li baqali. Ghandi sa nofs Marzu nkaxkar bihom, imma almenu lectures jispiccaw fit-18 ta' Jannar. Imma xbajt li wara gimgha xoghol, jasal il-weekend u minflok ingawdi is-Sibt filghodu relax irrid noqghod nikteb u nilghab ma dawn l-ostra assignments.

Apparti l-assignments, hemm bicca ohra. Ix-xoghol infurmawni li ha jtuni transfer. Xejn vendikattiv ta. "We are just reshuffling posts" qaluli. Il-bicca hi li ghadhom ma jafux fejn iz-zikk ha jibaghtuni. Pero diga baghtuli replacement biex nghallmu jaghmel ix-xoghol li kont naghmel jien. Suppost sa l-ewwel ta jannar inkun iccaqlaqt ghal post il-gdid. Il-problema hi li granet ta xoghol sa l-ewwel ta Jannar baqali 3 biss (iva inhobb inhalli il-leave ghall-ahhar). Kif nista fi tliett ijiem lil dan il-povru li ghadu lanqas jaf x'laqtu nghallmu kollox. Kellimt lil boss ta fejn qieghed u qalli li qabel dan li gie mhux ha nrawmu sew mhux se jaccetta li jien nitlaq. Issa naraw. pero il-bierah hadt ahbar tajba. L-unika post li ma xtaqtx immur fih sirt naf li baghtu lil xi hadd iehor. Mela vera li qed isir "reshuffling" kullimkien.

Ha nbiddel il-mood. Ha nifrah ftit issa. Il-gimgha l-ohra gibna sound mixer gdid ghal kor u l-band. 16 channel bir-reverb u l-equalizer. Il-bierah qaghdna nilghabu ftit bil-choir mics u naraw kif il-mics tad-drums jistghu jintuzaw ghal choir ukoll. Ma tantx irnexxew. Wisq feedback. Pero meta ppruvajnihom kellna kantant wiehed biss u beda joqghod hafna l-boghod minnhom. Nahseb li jekk nipruvawhom bil-kor u jkunu aktar vicin tal-mics jkollna rizultat hafna ahjar.

La jghaddu l-festi nibdew rehearsals tal-band tal-kor. Il-lectures ikunu spiccawli darba ghal dejjem u nkun nista niddedika aktar hin lil muzika. Pero jkun ghad baqali naghmel l-assignments u meta dawk ikunu lesti irrid naghti spinta sew lit-tezi ghax sena biss ikun baqali biex nispiccha. U meta tqis li nkun kuljum xoghol sal-5pm, sena ma tantx hi twila wisq.

Daqsek ghal issa. naf li probabli dejjaqtkom, imma dan il-blogg milli jidher qieghed biex inkun nista nizvoga ftit.


Friday, November 17, 2006

Nispera li ma nsirx addict

Il-11.15pm u minflok dhalt norqod kif naghmel issoltu xeghelt il-computer. Nispera li mhux ha nsir addict li il-hin kollu nqattghu fuq l-internet (kif xi hadd diga tefghali botta). Insomma din mhux ha tkun fit-tul ghax ghajjien u behsiebni immur norqod. Kont ha nikteb fuq Xarabank u s-sess. Peress li ma kontx fil-panel ghidt nuza l-blog biex nghati l-opinjoni tieghi. Imma ghajjien wisq ta. Ha mmur norqod ghax ghada rehearsals fl-10am.

BTW la qed insemmi rehearsals, nhar is-sibt 25 ta Novembru fis-7.30pm ha nkun qed indoqq (flimkien ma shabi) fil-WOW tal-Millennium Chapel. Naf li probabli in-nies li jaqraw dan il-blogg huma l-istess shabi li jdoqqu mieghu allura ghalxejn qed nikteb. Insomma muzika rock tajba, xi ftit moderna, xi ftit klassika u xejn minn tal-Knisja. Jekk joghogobkom ejjew. Dhul b'xejn.

11.25pm issa u ha nitfi ha nintefa norqod.

Welcome Back

Oh well. After more than a year contemplating if I should start a blog or not I finally decide to start one. The problem is that I only manage 6 posts where the last post was done on 15th June 2006. That is 5 months and 2 days.

The reasons/excuses?

1. At home I used to have a dial-up connection. I connect to the internet for a short burst of 15 minutes just to check my emails.

2. At work I have too many interruptions that whenever I start writing something and am interrupted, I forget what would have been coming next, give up and post nothing.

So you may be asking, why the hell are you blogging again? The reason being is that at last I got Cable internet at home which is always on. OK its not that fast and only has 1GB per month download limit, but hey, its much more than enough for me.

So, since I'm relaxed at home, have no interruptions, and can stay online for as long as I want, I can now spare some time to blogging.

Well I think that in my blogs I will be switching from English to Maltese. Depends on the mood.

OK I will stop here for now. Hope that blog will be updated soon.

And welcome back.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

Spot the right method

Singers and guitarists

Are there any singers and guitarists around? Well this is an invitation for all singers and/or guitarists to participate in a concert called Strummin Home which will be held at the University Assembly Hall. If you would like to participate send an email to

If you would like further information about Strummin Home you may go here and for further information about ZHN (the movement organising the concert) you may go here.

No need to be an expert. Singer's auditions will be held in mid-July. Rehearsals will start in August.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006


Lamppost campaign started here fully supported by yours truly

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Qed Tifhem?!

I must admit it. I am worried and slightly afraid of the situation in Malta. I usually used to take Norman Lowell with a pinch of salt and laugh at his rhetoric. However lately it is not just rhetoric. There is something going on. The people that work with or speak favourably of the rights of illegal immigrants are ending up with having their cars or their front doors on fire.

I am sure that this is no coincidence. The Jesuit Refugee Services has been doing this kind of work for a very long time, but only now that the far right, Norman Lowell and the ANR are voicing their ideas that these attacks started on these people. The link is obvious.

What I am truly worried about is that sometimes I believe that history does repeat itself. My fears are that the times have done a complete cycle and the Klu Klux Klan, the Nazi and Hitler are about to return. The same arguments presented by good old Nazi are being re-presented to us. The same misinterpretation of Nietzsche done by Hitler is being re-misinterpreted by Lowell.

Is it really true that history is repeating itself? Shall we go through World War II again in a decade or so? Or is it just a phase that will not escalate further and will soon be remembered as the times when a Neo Nazi used to be on a local station and people laughed at his rhetoric? Who knows? However I must admit it, I am afraid.